swim with the tide


swim with the tide 的定义

  1. Go along with prevailing opinion or thought, as in Irene doesn't have a mind of her own; she just swims with the tide. In the late 1600s this idiom was also put as swim down the stream, a usage not much heard today. The present form was first recorded in 1712. For the antonym, see swim against the current.

swim with the tide 近义词

swim with the tide

等同于 oblige

swim with the tide

等同于 overlook

swim with the tide

等同于 adjust

更多swim with the tide例句

  1. But the tide was turning on this issue, an email from another constituent made clear.
  2. France 24 is providing live, round-the-clock coverage of both scenes as they progress.
  3. Jones is a veteran of another beloved-yet-controversial animated series on Adult Swim, The Boondocks.
  4. Sands was involved in a scandalous-for-the-time romance with the carpenter and there were rumors she was pregnant with his child.
  5. Three on-the-record stories from a family: a mother and her daughters who came from Phoenix.
  6. Sleek finds it far harder work than fortune-making; but he pursues his Will-o'-the-Wisp with untiring energy.
  7. His ear, his brain, his muscles take on a new joyous activity, and the tide of life rises higher.
  8. You never know when you are going to stumble upon a jewel in the most out-of-the-way corner.
  9. They climbed another dune, and came upon the great gray sea at low tide.
  10. Mr. Slocum was not educated in a university, and his life has been in by-paths, and out-of-the-way places.